EANS-Adhoc: Steiermärkische Sparkasse expands commitment in NorthMacedonia

Disclosed inside information pursuant to article 17 Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.

Mergers – Acquisitions – Takeovers

Graz –
On 28 February 2019, Steiermärkische Bank und Sparkassen AG signed a share purchase agreement with Societe Generale to acquire all shares that Société Générale owns in Ohridska Banka Societe Generale (OBSG) in the Republic of North Macedonia and that constitute approx. 74.53 % of the share capital of OBSG. This transaction will make it possible for Steiermärkische Sparkasse to fundamentally strengthen its existing market position in North Macedonia.
The purchase of the bank will be done within the framework of a mandatory bid that is oriented to all shares issued by OBSG, including the shares held by the other minority shareholders. This conclusion is subject to approval by the European Central Bank and the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia, the capital market supervisory authorities and the competition authorities. OBSG currently has a balance sheet total of around EUR 650 million and employs more than 400 staff. Its business focus is on the retail and commercial business.
Steiermärkische Sparkasse has been represented in North Macedonia since as early as 2008 with its local bank subsidiary, Sparkasse Bank Makedonija that currently has a balance sheet total of around EUR 350 million. With the acquisition of OBSG, Steiermärkische Sparkasse will have assets totalling EUR 1 billion in North Macedonia and thus be the fourth-largest banking group in the country with a market share of around 12 to 14 %, depending on the segment.

end of disclosed inside information ================================================================================ The Steiermärkische Sparkasse Group is the largest provider of financial services in southern Austria. 2,751 employees serve around
700,000 clients at 233 locations in Styria and in south-eastern Europe.

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Steiermärkische Bank und Sparkassen AG Sparkassenplatz 4
A-8010 Graz
phone: 05 0100 20815
WWW: www.steiermaerkische.at
stockmarkets: Wien
language: English

Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/6721/aom

Steiermärkische Sparkasse, Group Communication, 8010 Graz, Sparkassenplatz 4,
Tel. +43 (0)5 0100 EXT 35055,
Birgit Pucher, mobile: +43 (0)664-8387324, e-mail:
Text/photos on homepage at http://www.steiermaerkische.at/medien

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