JUNOS students present top candidate Nino rohrmoser and campaign for students ‚ Union elections in 2019

JUNOS draw, with the Slogan „We do more“ in the students ‚ Union election campaign.

Vienna (OTS) – Today, on the 6. March, presented to the JUNOS students at their press conference in the Weltcafé your Top 3 and your election campaign for the upcoming students ‚ Union elections in 2019. The top candidate Nino Rohrmoser (22, WU Vienna), the students ‚ Union Executive to the battle: While the left Executive, with the Slogan „We want to attract more“ in the election, saying JUNOS: „We make more!“

Rohrmoser: „We will break the broken System of UM, and tackle the real problems of the students!“

To ensure that the appalling conditions of study to an end, make three main demands for the students ‚ Union election in 2019: 1) the modernization of studies by means of the digital University, 2) more mobility and freedom for students to Study without boundaries, and 3) from a financing graced universities with downstream tuition fees.

„We bring our universities into the 21st century. Century and make the world to our Campus,“ summarizes rohrmoser. On the list of 2 Carina Siegl (23), a student at the University of Vienna and on place 3 Jan Stering (20), a Student at the PH Styria, run.

JUNOS – Young Liberal students
Katharina Kainz
+43 650 89 95 95 0