On the footsteps of spring in the national Park Donau-Auen

March-Hiking to owls, frogs, and riparian forest trees

St. Pölten (OTS/NLK) – With a range of guided walks and excursions to the national Park of the Danube, a floodplain in the coming weeks on the awakening of the nature. The opening in the lower Austrian part of the national Park on Saturday, 9. In March, the night hike „to The owls on the trail“, which starts at 17.30 in Eckartsau and an Ornithologist for three hours by the noise of the night. On Saturday, 23. In March, there are 18 at a further appointment of Haslau.

A night hike is also „visiting tawny owl, long-eared owl and eagle owl“, in the case of the families on Saturday, 30. March, from 17.30 clock of Orth on the Danube for three hours in a playful way the habitat and the life rhythm of these three types to discover. A close look at the forests in the national Park Donau-Auen, under the tags, in turn, the migration of the „forest – riparian forest – riparian forest trees“ on Sunday, 10. In March, when a national Park Ranger explains, inter alia, how to recognise various trees in different times of the year. Start of the approx. three-hour Tour is at 13 o’clock in the castle of Eckartsau.

„Spring in the Kingdom of the frogs and toads – endangered animals with a double life“ is finally a three-hour hike for families on Sunday, 17. March, 8 p.m.: Starting from the national Park centre Schloss Orth, it is to the amphibian fence to the Orther shore road, in order to protect the endangered amphibian active to lend a Hand and learn all about claims, risk and protection of this animal group. Weather related alternate date is Saturday, 23. March, 8 PM; on Saturday, 30. March 8 at a further date (alternate date: Sunday, 7. April, 8 o’clock).

For more information and registration at the national Park centre Schloss Orth under 02212/3555 and at the national Park info point Eckartsau castle 02214/2335 or e-mail nationalpark@donauauen.at and www.donauauen.at.

office of the Low – Austrian government
office of Directorate/public Relations and communications
Mag. Rainer Hirsch-grain