Sugar makes you sick – full-grain makes you sicker

This book opens all the eyes (PHOTO)

Places castle (ots) – Every magazine, every show, all the diet experts report about the „evil sugar“ that causes many diseases and Obesity, and recommend the „healthy, nutrient-rich whole grain bread“. This grain is full of the Wolf in sheep’s clothing!

Klaus Wührer, with his newly published book „sugar makes you sick – full-grain sicker … and none of them realize it makes“ the diet world on its head. He demonstrated with a few simple, indisputable facts, that the full grain is just sugar and debunked the myth of „healthy whole grain“. He brings the Golden calf, full grain from the Pedestal and shows what it is really all in there:
The main ingredient of grains is starch. Starch is glucose. Starch from whole-grain products appears just as quickly in the blood, such as plain table sugar (Glycemic Index). As a result, the blood glucose load after 2 slices of whole grain bread so big as to 22 sugar cubes or 1.5 bars of chocolate (Glycemic load). Whole grain bread is also rich in nutrients. Even milk chocolate has more nutrients than the „Golden calf“ of whole grain bread (source:
The Federal food key). The Tricky about this is that starch doesn’t taste, therefore you realize not even 1 TSP. of the 15 TSP of sugar, which provides a Serving of bread, pasta or rice. Thus, it is consumed with the supposedly „healthy carbohydrates,“ the amount of sugar from 5 bars of chocolate a day – and that is officially healthy! Since the blood sugar load of strength is similar to that of pure sugar, caused strength, just a lot of stress and damage as well as the sugar – full-grain sugar.

You don’t still believe in the „Golden calf full grain“, but you open your eyes and ears:

„Sugar makes you sick – full-grain makes you sicker … and no one’ll notice.“ Klaus Wührer, 2019
Hardcover, 80 Pages, 70 Of Fig.
ISBN: 978-3-9816200-1-6
Price 10,- Euro

Caveman Verlag UG
Klaus Wührer