Long-eared owl from the balcony rescued

The owl could no longer get out on his own from a balcony.

Vösendorf (OTS) – A long-eared owl need on Thursday with the help of the thriving anise from Vösendorf and the Vienna animal protection Association (WTV). The bird was discovered in the Seepark Vösendorf from the resident of an apartment on your private balcony. Since the animal made the lady a flightless impression that you wanted the owl but not the damage, called to the Volunteer fire Department Vösendorf to help. Prompt two animal moved in with Christian R. and Hermann, G. love firefighters, the barges up the bird gently and put him in a pet Transporter in the Wiener Tierschutzverein (WTV) to Vösendorf.

There he was examined by the WTV-veterinary in detail. The animal made a slightly confused impression of injuries or other complaints, however, were not noted. The suspicion is that the animal could be flown to the Window of the balcony.

„Frieda,“ as the owl from the two thriving anise was baptized, may recover something in the WTV-bird house and is expected to soon be re-released into the wild. „We would like to thank the two firemen, as well as the animal friend very much for your spirited dedication. Without the active support of emergency services such as fire and police, we could not perform our daily work,“ says WTV-President Madeleine Petrovic.

Mag. (FH) Oliver Bayer
Press Secretary

Vienna animal protection Association
Triester Straße 8
2331 Vösendorf

Mobile: 0699/ 16 60 40 66
Phone: 01/699 24 50 – 16
www.Vienna animal protection Association.org