The Content Marketing Manager by AdSimple now also available in English
AdSimple now also offers non-German-speaking advertisers easier access to the popular content marketing tool.
Gänserndorf (OTS) – After multiple client requests, AdSimple now also provides an English-language version of its [Content Marketing Manager] (https://www.adsimple.at/content-marketing-manager/). AdSimple’s Content Marketing Manager gives advertisers the opportunity to publish their own content on industry- and target group-specific platforms such as blogs, websites or online magazines. After registering, clients can use the Content Marketing Manager’s intelligent search system to select websites that fit their target group, marketing budget and industry.
In the default setting, the Content Marketing Manager will remain in German, but from now on clients can switch to English with just one click. This will display all instructions within the tool in English. Even the descriptions of the individual platforms are now shown in English, which will allow AdSimple’s non-German-speaking clients to get a good overview of the range of available channels.
Moreover, the client payment procedure has also been optimised in recent weeks. From now on, AdSimple offers the option to pay for any Content Marketing Manager bookings directly via the link in their confirmation email. Going forward, various payment methods are available to clients. AdSimple has also integrated an order view, which displays all bookings and payment statuses at a glance.
AdSimple® Online Marketing Agentur
Fabriksgasse 20, 2230 Gänserndorf
+43 2282 60 715 office@adsimple.at
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