EQS-AGM: Semperit AG Holding: Invitation to 133rd Annual General Meeting of Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding for Wednesday, 27 April 2022, at 10:00 a.m., CEST
EQS-News: Semperit AG Holding / Announcement of the Convening of the
General Meeting
Semperit AG Holding: Invitation to 133rd Annual General Meeting of
Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding for Wednesday, 27 April 2022, at 10:00
a.m., CEST
25.03.2022 / 18:36
Announcement of the Convening of the General Meeting, transmitted by EQS –
a service of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding
with its headquarters in Vienna
FN (Commercial Register Number) 112544 g
ISIN: AT0000785555
Invitation to 133^rd Annual General Meeting of
Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding
for Wednesday, 27 April 2022, at 10:00 a.m., CEST
In accordance with Section 106 no 1 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act
(‚AktG‘), the Annual General Meeting is held at Novotel Wien Hauptbahnhof,
Canettistraße 6, 1100 Vienna.
I. Holding a virtual General Meeting
1. Corporate COVID-19 Act (COVID-19-GesG) and Corporate COVID-19
Regulation (COVID-19-GesV)
Due to the current pandemic situation and the unclear forecasts for its
development in the coming weeks, the Executive Board decided to make use
of the legal regulation of a virtual General Meeting in order to protect
shareholders and other participants.
The Annual General Meeting of Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding on 27
April 2022 will be held as a ‚virtual General Meeting‘ on the basis of
Section 1 para 2 COVID-19-GesG, Federal Law Gazette I no. 16/2020 as
amended by Federal Law Gazette I no. 246/2021 and COVID-19-GesV (Federal
Law Gazette II no. 140/2020 as amended by Federal Law Gazette II no
609/2021), taking into account the interests of both the Company and the
Pursuant to the decision of the Executive Board, this means that
shareholders and their representatives (with the exception of the four
independent proxies pursuant to Section 3 para 4 COVID-19-GesV) cannot be
physically present at the Annual General Meeting of Semperit
Aktiengesellschaft Holding on 27 April 2022.
The virtual General Meeting is held at Novotel Wien Hauptbahnhof, 1100
Vienna, Canettistraße 6, exclusively in the physical presence of the
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, members of the Executive Board, the
certifying official notary public and the four independent proxies
proposed by the Company.
The holding of the Annual General Meeting as a virtual General Meeting in
accordance with COVID-19-GesV leads to modifications in the course of the
General Meeting and in the exercise of shareholders‘ rights as compared to
a physical meeting.
The exercise of voting rights, the right to submit motions for resolutions
and the right to object are exclusively carried out by one of the
independent proxies proposed by the Company in accordance with Section 3
para 4 COVID-19-GesV.
The right to information may be exercised at the virtual General Meeting
by the shareholders themselves by means of electronic communication, and
exclusively by sending questions in text form exclusively by E-mail
directly to the E-mail address Fragen.HV2022@semperitgroup.com of the
Company, provided that the shareholders have submitted a deposit
certificate within the meaning of Section 10a of the Austrian Stock
Corporations Act (AktG) within the prescribed period in accordance with
item IV. and have authorized an independent proxy in accordance with item
2. Broadcast of the Annual General Meeting on the internet
Pursuant to Section 3 para 1, 2 and 4 COVID-19-GesV in conjunction with
Section 102 para 4 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act (AktG), the
Annual General Meeting will be broadcast in full acoustically and visually
in real time on the Internet.
This is permissible under data protection law with regard to the legal
basis provided under Section 3 para 1, 2 and 4 COVID-19-GesV.
All shareholders of the Company will be able to follow the Annual General
Meeting on 27 April 2022 from about 10:00 a.m. (CEST) using appropriate
technical equipment (e.g. computer, notebook, tablet or smartphone as well
as an internet connection with sufficient bandwidth for streaming videos)
over the Internet at www.semperitgroup.com as a virtual Annual General
Meeting. No registration or login is required to follow the Annual General
The broadcast of the Annual General Meeting on the Internet will enable
all shareholders to follow the course of the Annual General Meeting in
real time via this one-way acoustic and optical connection, and, in
particular to follow the presentation by the Executive Board, the answers
to shareholders‘ questions and the voting process.
Please note that this live broadcast as a virtual General Meeting does not
enable remote participation (Section 102 para 3 no. 2 of the Austrian
Stock Corporations Act – AktG) and remote voting (Section 102 para 3 no. 3
and Section 126 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act – AktG) and that
the internet broadcast is not a two-way connection. Therefore, the
individual shareholder will only be able to follow the course of the
Annual General Meeting. This means that shareholders are not able to make
a request to speak via this link.
It is also to be noted that the Company is only insofar responsible for
the use of technical means of communication as lies in its sphere of
influence (Section 2 para 6 COVID-19-GesV).
Furthermore, reference is made to the information on the organizational
and technical requirements for participation pursuant to Section 3 para 3
in conjunction with Section 2 para 4 COVID-19-GesV (‚Participation
II. Agenda
1. Presentation of the adopted annual financial statements including the
management report and the corporate governance report, of the consolidated
financial statements including the group management report, of the
non-financial report as of 31 December 2021, of the presentation of the
proposal for the use of profit and of the report of the Supervisory Board
on the business year 2021
2. Adopting a resolution on the use of the net profit shown in the 2021
annual financial statements
3. Adopting a resolution on the discharge of the Members of the Executive
Board for the business year 2021
4. Adopting a resolution on the discharge of the Members of the
Supervisory Board for the business year 2021
5. Election of the auditor of the annual financial statements and
consolidated financial statements for the business year 2022
6. Elections to the Supervisory Board
7. Adopting a resolution on the remuneration report
8. Adopting a resolution on the remuneration policy
9. Adopting a resolution on the compensation of Members of the Supervisory
Board for the business year 2022 in advance
10a. Adopting a resolution on the further authorization (valid up to not
more than 30 months of the resolution date) of the Executive Board to
purchase, with the consent by the Supervisory Board, own shares of up to
10 % of the share capital pursuant to section 65 para 1 rec. 8 of the
Austrian Stock Corporations Act (AktG), if necessary for the redemption of
own shares, and on the determination of the repurchase terms and
conditions by revocation of the corresponding authorization to purchase
own shares granted by the Annual General Meeting resolution of 22 July
2020 on item 8a of the agenda.
10b. Adopting a resolution on the further authorization of the Executive
Board pursuant to section 65 para 1b of the Austrian Stock Corporations
Act (AktG), with the consent by the Supervisory Board, to sell the shares
in a manner other than via the stock exchange or by means of a public
offer and to decide on any exclusion of shareholders‘ right to repurchase
(subscription rights) by revocation of the corresponding authorization to
sell own shares granted by the Annual General Meeting resolution of 22
July 2020 on item 8b of the agenda.
III. Documents for the Annual General Meeting; Information made available
on the website
In particular, the following documents and records will be available for
inspection at the latest from the 21st day preceding the General Meeting
(6 April 2022), but prospectively already from 25 March 2022 on the
Company website www.semperitgroup.com under the menu item ‚Annual General
– Information on the organizational and technical requirements for
participation according to Section 3 para 3 in connection with Section 2
para 4 COVID-19-GesV (‚Participation Information‘),
– Annual financial statements including the management report,
– Corporate governance report,
– Consolidated financial statements including the group management report,
– Separate non-financial report (sustainability report),
– Proposal for the use of net profit,
– Report of the Supervisory Board,
each relating to the business year 2021;
– Proposed resolutions on items 2. – 10. of the agenda,
– Statements by candidates for the elections to the Supervisory Board
together with Curriculum vitae pursuant to Section 87 para 2 of the
Austrian Stock Corporations Act on item 6. of the agenda,
– Remuneration report,
– Remuneration policy pursuant to Section 78a in conjunction with Section
98a of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act on item 8. of the agenda,
– Report by the Executive Board on the exclusion of subscription rights in
connection with the sale of repurchased shares pursuant to Section 65 para
1b in conjunction with Section 171 para 1 in conjunction with Section 153
para 4 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act for item 10. of the agenda,
– Form for granting a proxy for the independent proxy according to Section
3 para 4 COVID-19-GesV,
– Form for questions,
– Form for the revocation of a proxy,
– Full text of this invitation.
IV. Record date and requirements for participation in the General Meeting
pursuant to Section 111 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act (Sec 106 no
6 and 7 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act)
The right to attend the virtual General Meeting and to exercise the voting
right and the other shareholders‘ rights that are exercised during this
virtual General Meeting in accordance with COVID-19-GesG and COVID-19-GesV
is determined by the shares held at the end of 17 April 2022 (12:00 a.m.,
CEST) (Record Date).
Participation and exercise of their shareholders‘ rights in the virtual
General Meeting according to COVID-19-GesG and COVID-19-GesV is limited to
persons who are shareholders on the Record Date and provide proof thereof
to the Company.
Proof of shareholder status on the Record Date is to be provided by a
deposit certificate (Depotbestätigung) pursuant to Section 10a of the
Austrian Stock Corporations Act which must refer to the Record Date and be
received no later than on 22 April 2022 (12:00 a.m., CEST) exclusively
through one of the following communication channels and addresses:
(i) per E-mail: HV2022@semperitgroup.com (deposit certificate in
pdf-format please)
(ii) per SWIFT BIC COMRGB2L (Message Type 598, stating ISIN AT0000785555
in the text).
The appointment of an independent proxy and the exercise of the
shareholders‘ right to information cannot be effected without a deposit
confirmation received by the Company in due time.
Shareholders are requested to contact their depositary bank and to arrange
for a deposit certificate to be issued and transmitted.
The Record Date has no effect on the disposal of the shares and has no
significance for dividend rights.
Deposit Certificate pursuant to Section 10a Austrian Stock Corporations
The deposit certificate shall be issued by the depositary bank based in a
member state of the European Economic Area or in a full member state of
the OECD and must contain at least the following information (Section 10a
para 2 Austrian Stock Corporations Act):
– Information about the issuer: name/company name and address or a code
commonly used in transactions between credit institutions (SWIFT-Code),
– Information about the shareholder: name/company name, address, date of
birth in case of individuals, register and register number in case of
legal entities, if applicable,
– Information about the shares: number of shares held by the shareholder,
ISIN AT0000785555 (internationally used security identification number),
– Depot number, securities account number or other identification,
– Date or period referred to in the deposit certificate.
For the purpose of providing proof of shareholder status in order to
attend the General Meeting, the deposit certificate must refer to the end
of the Record Date on 17 April 2022 (12:00 a.m., CEST).
Deposit certificates will be accepted in German and English.
A deposit certificate used to prove current shareholder status must not be
older than seven days when submitted to the Company.
V. Possibility to appoint an independent proxy and the procedure to be
Any shareholder entitled to attend the virtual General Meeting in
accordance with COVID-19-GesG and COVID-19-GesV and who has provided proof
of this to the Company in accordance with the provisions of item IV of
this invitation, shall be entitled to appoint an independent proxy.
In the virtual General Meeting of Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding on
27 April 2022, only one of the independent proxies, whose costs shall be
borne by the Company, is permitted to submit a motion for resolution, to
vote and to raise an objection in accordance with Section 3 para 4 of
The following persons, who are suitable and independent of the company,
are proposed as independent proxy:
(i) Florian Beckermann, Dipl. VW, Dipl. Jur., LL.M., IVA
1130 Vienna, Feldmühlgasse 22
Tel +43 1 8763343-30
E-Mail-Address: vollmacht.semperit.beckermann@computershare.de
(ii) Attorney at law Dr. Verena Brauner, IVA
1120 Vienna, Hetzendorfer Straße 71
Tel +43 1 3050291
E-Mail-Address: vollmacht.semperit.brauner@computershare.de
(iii) Attorney at law Dr. Paul Fussenegger
1010 Vienna, Rotenturmstraße 12/6
Tel: + 43 1 2351001
E-Mail-Address: vollmacht.semperit.fussenegger@computershare.de
(iv) Attorney at law Dr. Ulla Reisch
c/o Urbanek, Lind, Schmied, Reisch Rechtsanwälte OG
1030 Vienna, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1a, Ebene 7/Top 09
Tel +43 1 212 55 00
E-Mail-Address: vollmacht.semperit.reisch@computershare.de
Each shareholder may select one of the four persons named above as his or
her independent proxy and grant this person power of attorney.
The granting of a power of attorney to another person is not permitted
pursuant to Section 3 para 4 COVID-19-GesV.
A separate proxy form for granting power of attorney to the independent
proxy is available no later than on 6 April 2022 on the Company’s website
at www.semperitgroup.com, which is mandatory to use.
The specifications provided for in the Participation Information must be
observed for the granting of power of attorney, its delivery options and
A personal delivery of the power of attorney at the place of the meeting
is expressly excluded.
VI. Information on shareholders‘ rights pursuant to Sections 109, 110, 118
and 119 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act
1. Addendum to the agenda by shareholders in accordance with Section 109
of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act
Shareholders whose aggregate shareholding equals five percent or more of
the nominal capital and who have owned these shares for at least three
months before making their request, may request in text form that
additional items be put on the agenda of the General Meeting and
published. Any such request by shareholders must be received in text form
due to Section 13 para 2 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act by mail or
courier no later than on 6 April 2022 (12:00 a.m., CEST) by the Company
exclusively at the address Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding, Attn.: Ms.
Judit Helenyi, Am Belvedere 10, 1100 Vienna, or by SWIFT BIC COMRGB2L
(Message Type 598, stating ISIN AT0000785555 in the text), or by e-mail
HV2022@semperitgroup.com. If text form within the meaning of Section 13
para 2 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act is prescribed for
statements, statement must be made in a document or in another manner
suitable for permanent reproduction in writing, the person making the
statement must be named and the conclusion of the statement must be made
recognizable by reproduction of the signature or otherwise. Each motion
for an item to be put on the agenda must be accompanied by a proposal for
a resolution with a statement of reasons. The agenda item and the proposed
resolution, but not its justification, must in any case also be written in
German. Proof of shareholder capacity shall be furnished by submitting a
deposit certificate in accordance with Section 10a of the Austrian Stock
Corporations Act confirming that the applicant shareholder has been the
continuous holder of the shares for at least three months prior to the
application and that the deposit certificate must not be older than seven
days at the time it is submitted to the Company. Several deposit
certificates for shares, which only together convey the shareholding of
5%, must refer to the same time (day, time).
With regard to the other requirements for the deposit certificate, see the
information on the right to participate (Item IV of this invitation).
In case of an additional item requested to be put on the agenda, the
supplemented agenda will be announced publicly in electronic form on the
company website www.semperitgroup.com and under the menu item ‚General
Meeting‘ and no later than 8 April 2022 as well as in the same way as the
original agenda (in the official gazette to the ‚Wiener Zeitung‘) no later
than 13 April 2022.
2. Proposals for resolutions by shareholders on the agenda in accordance
with Section 110 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act
Shareholders whose aggregate shareholding equals one percent or more of
the nominal capital may submit proposed resolutions in text form due to
Section 13 para 2 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act concerning any
item on the agenda, and request that these be made available on the
Company website registered with the commercial register, together with the
names of the respective shareholders, a statement of reasons to be
submitted together with the proposal, and any comments of the Executive
Board or Supervisory Board. Requests of this kind will only be considered
when received by the Company no later than on 15 April 2022 (12:00 a.m.,
CEST) by post Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding, Attn. Ms. Judit
Helenyi, Am Belvedere 10, 1100 Vienna, or by e-mail
HV2022@semperitgroup.com, whereby the request must be attached to the
e-mail in text form within the meaning of Section 13 para 2 of the
Austrian Stock Corporations Act, for example as a PDF. If text form within
the meaning of Section 13 para 2 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act is
prescribed for statements, the statement must be made in a document or in
another manner suitable for permanent reproduction in writing, the person
making the statement must be named and the conclusion of the statement
must be made recognizable by reproduction of the signature or otherwise.
The proposed resolution, but not its justification, must in any case also
be written in German.
In case of a proposal for the election of a Supervisory Board member the
statement of the proposed person pursuant to Section 87 para 2 and 2a of
the Austrian Stock Corporations Act replaces the statement of reasons and
Section 86 para 7 and 9 Austrian Stock Corporations Act must be taken into
consideration. In case a proposal for a resolution is then received, it
will be published on the Company’s website at www.semperitgroup.com and
under the menu item ‚General Meeting‘ no later than two working days after
receipt, at the latest on 20 April 2022. A proposed resolution that has
been published on the Company’s website shall only be voted on if it is
repeated as a motion at the Annual General Meeting.
For the purpose of providing proof of shareholder status it is sufficient
if holders of deposited bearer shares submit a deposit certificate
pursuant to Section 10a of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act. The
deposit certificate used to prove current shareholder status must not be
older than seven days when submitted to the Company. Several deposit
certificates for shares, which only together convey the shareholding of
1%, must refer to the same time (day, time).
With regard to the other requirements for the deposit certificate, see the
information on the right to participate (Item IV of this invitation).
3. Shareholders‘ information rights in accordance with Section 118 of
Austrian Stock Corporations Act
Any shareholder shall be provided with information on the Company’s
affairs upon request at the Annual General Meeting to the extent that such
information is required for proper assessment of an item on the agenda.
This obligation to provide information shall also extend to the legal and
business relationships of the Company with affiliated companies, the state
of affairs of the group, and the companies included in the consolidated
financial statements.
The Company may deny providing information to the extent that according to
sound business judgment it might cause material damage to the Company or
any affiliated company or if providing such information would constitute a
punishable offense.
The requirement for exercising the shareholders‘ right to information is
the proof of right to attend (item IV. of the invitation) and the granting
of a corresponding power of attorney to the independent proxy (item V. of
the invitation).
It is expressly pointed out that the right to information pursuant to
Section 118 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act and the right to speak
during this virtual Annual General Meeting can be exercised by the
shareholders themselves by way of electronic mail exclusively by sending
questions or the speech contribution by E-mail directly to the Company at
the E-mail address Fragen.HV2022@semperitgroup.com.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, shareholders are requested to submit all
questions in advance in text form by E-mail to the address
Fragen.HV2022@semperitgroup.com in such manner that they reach the Company
no later than on the third business day before the Annual General Meeting,
on Friday, 22 April 2022. This serves to maintain the time efficiency in
the interest of all participants in the Annual General Meeting, in
particular for issues that require a longer preparation time.
This will enable the Executive Board to prepare as accurately as possible
and to provide answers to your questions at the Annual General Meeting as
quickly as possible.
Please use the question form, which is available on the Company’s website
at www.semperitgroup.com. If this question form is not used, the person
(name/company, date of birth/company register number of the shareholder)
must be named in the corresponding E-mail. In order to enable the Company
to establish the identity and correspondence with the deposit certificate,
we request that in this case you please also state your deposit number in
the E-mail.
Please note that reasonable time limits will be set by the Chairman during
the Annual General Meeting.
Further information and modalities for exercising the shareholders‘ right
to information pursuant to Section 118 of the Austrian Stock Corporations
Act will be specified in the Participation Information.
4. Motions by shareholders at the General Meeting in accordance with
Section 119 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act
Any shareholder – irrespective of a specific shareholding – is entitled to
submit motions on any item on the agenda at the virtual General Meeting
pursuant to COVID-19-GesG and COVID-19-GesV by means of instructions to
its independent proxy.
However, motions may only be submitted to the independent proxy authorized
by the respective shareholder and may only be submitted by such proxy at
the Annual General Meeting.
The point in time up to which instructions for submitting motions to the
independent proxy are possible shall be determined by the Chairman in the
course of the virtual General Meeting.
The requirement for this is the proof of entitlement to participate in
accordance with item IV. of this invitation and the granting of a
corresponding power of attorney to the independent proxy in accordance
with item V. of this invitation.
A shareholder proposal for the election of a Supervisory Board member
requires the timely submission of a resolution proposal in accordance with
Section 110 Austrian Stock Corporations Act: Persons for election to the
Supervisory Board (item 6 of the agenda) may only be proposed by
shareholders whose shares together amount to 1% of the share capital. Such
nominations must be received by the Company no later than 15 April 2022 in
the manner specified above (item VI para. 2). Each nomination must be
accompanied by a declaration pursuant to Section 87 para 2 of the Austrian
Stock Corporations Act of the nominee’s professional qualifications,
professional or comparable functions, and any circumstances that could
give rise to concern about bias.
Proposals for the election of Supervisory Board members must be made
available by the Company together with the aforementioned declarations on
the Company’s website entered in the commercial register by 20 April 2022
at the latest, otherwise the shareholder proposal for the election of a
Supervisory Board member may not be considered in the vote.
Further information and modalities for the exercise of the shareholders‘
right to submit motions in accordance with Section 119 Austrian Stock
Corporations Act are set out in the Participation Information.
5. Information to shareholders regarding data processing
5.1. Which personal data of shareholders is processed and for what
Semperit AG Holding processes personal data of shareholders (in particular
those pursuant to Section 10a para 2 Austrian Stock Corporations Act, i.e.
name, address, date of birth, number of the securities deposit, number of
shares of the shareholder, number of the voting card and, name and date of
birth of the proxy holder) on the basis of the applicable data protection
regulations, in particular the European General Data Protection Regulation
(‚GDPR‘) and the Austrian Data Protection Act (‚DSG‘), in order to enable
shareholders to exercise their rights at the General Meeting.
In this connection the shareholders‘ personal data is processed for the
following purposes:
– Organization and holding of General Meetings, including verification of
the right to attend/power of proxy and determination of the voting ratio
– Participation and the exercise of shareholder rights in the General
– Preparation of registration, power of proxy and attendance lists
– Preparation of the minutes of the General Meeting
– Fulfillment of compliance obligations, including recording, disclosure
and reporting obligations.
The processing of the shareholders‘ personal data is mandatory for the
participation of shareholders and their representatives in the General
Meeting in accordance with the Austrian Stock Corporations Act. The legal
basis for the processing therefore is Art 6 sub-section 1 lit c GDPR
(compliance with a legal obligation). For the processing Semperit AG
Holding is controller as defined in Art 4 pt. 7 GDPR.
5.2. To whom is the shareholders‘ personal data transferred?
Semperit AG Holding uses external service providers, such as notaries,
lawyers, banks and IT service providers, for the purpose of organizing the
General Meeting. These service providers receive only such personal data
from Semperit AG Holding as is necessary for the performance of the
commissioned service, and, where they are processors as defined in Art 4
pt. 8 GDPR, process the data solely on instructions of Semperit AG
Holding. Where legally required, Semperit AG Holding has concluded a data
protection agreement with these service providers.
If a shareholder participates in the General Meeting, all present
independent proxies pursuant to Section 3 para 4 COVID-19 GesV, the
members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board, the notary and any
other person with a legal right to attend may view the list of
participants stipulated by statute (Section 117 Austrian Stock
Corporations Act) and thereby also have access to the personal data
contained therein (inter alia name, place of residence, shareholding
relationship). Semperit AG Holding also has the statutory obligation to
submit the shareholders‘ personal data (in particular the list of
participants) to the commercial register at the competent commercial
register court (Section 120 Austrian Stock Corporations Act) as part of
the notarial protocol.
In addition, the shareholders‘ personal data may also be transferred to
the competent authorities or bodies if necessary.
5.3. How long is the shareholders‘ personal data stored?
Shareholders‘ data will be anonymized or deleted as soon as it is no
longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed,
and no other legal obligations require further storage. Obligations to
provide evidence and to retain records arise in particular from corporate,
stock corporation and takeover law, from tax and duties law as well as
from anti money laundering regulations. If legal claims are made by
shareholders against Semperit AG Holding or vice versa by Semperit AG
Holding against shareholders, the storage of personal data serves to
clarify and enforce claims in individual cases. In connection with
proceedings before civil courts, this can lead to storage of data for the
duration of the statute of limitations plus the duration of the court
proceedings up to its legally binding conclusion.
5.4. What rights do shareholders have with regard to their personal data?
Every shareholder has a right to access, rectification, restriction,
objection and deletion at any time with regard to the processing of
personal data as well as a right to data portability in accordance with
Chapter III GDPR. Shareholders can assert these rights against Semperit AG
Holding free of charge by contacting the E-mail address
data.privacy@semperitgroup.com or by using the following contact details:
Semperit AG Holding z. Hd. Rechtsabteilung, Am Belvedere 10, 1100 Vienna.
In addition, shareholders have the right to lodge a complaint with the
data protection supervisory authority pursuant to Art 77 GDPR.
5.5. Further information
Further information on data protection can be found in the data protection
declaration on the website of Semperit AG Holding www.semperitgroup.com.
VII. Further information and references
1. Total number of shares and voting rights at the date of convocation
(Section 106 no 9 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act)
At the date of convocation of the virtual General Meeting, the nominal
capital of Semperit AG Holding amounts to EUR 21,358,996.53 and is divided
into 20,573,434 no-par value bearer shares. Each no-par value share grants
one vote at the virtual General Meeting.
At the date of the convocation of the virtual General Meeting, the
Semperit AG Holding does not own any treasury stock.
Thus, the total number of shares entitled to participate and vote amounts
to 20,573,434 at the date of the convocation.
2. No physical acces
We would like to expressly point out once more that neither shareholders
nor guests will be personally admitted to the upcoming General Meeting
held as a virtual General Meeting in accordance with COVID-19-GesV at the
location of the Annual General Meeting.
This document is published in German and in a non-binding English
convenience translation.
Vienna, March 2022
The Executive Board
Language: English
Company: Semperit AG Holding
Am Belvedere 10
1100 Wien
Phone: +43 1 79 777-310
Fax: +43 1 79 777-602
E-mail: judit.helenyi@semperitgroup.com
Internet: www.semperitgroup.com
ISIN: AT0000785555
Listed: Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Market)
End of News EQS News Service
1312591 25.03.2022
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