EQS-AGM: Flughafen Wien AG: Convening of the 36th Annual General Meeting on 5 June at 11:00 (Vienna time)
EQS-News: Flughafen Wien AG / Announcement of the Convening of the General
Flughafen Wien AG: Convening of the 36th Annual General Meeting on 5 June
at 11:00 (Vienna time)
07.05.2024 / 08:10 CET/CEST
Announcement of the Convening of the General Meeting, transmitted by EQS
News – a service of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft
Schwechat, FN 42984 m ISIN AT00000VIE62
Convening of the 36th Annual General Meeting
We hereby invite our shareholders to the 36th Annual General Meeting of
Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft on Wednesday, 5 June 2024, at 11:00
(Vienna time), at 1300 Wien-Flughafen, Office Park 4, Towerstrasse 3,
Location: Vienna Airport Conference & Innovation Center, Room Runway 1.
I. Agenda
1. Presentation of the annual financial statements plus management
report and corporate governance report, the consolidated financial
statements plus group management report, the proposal for the
appropriation of profit and the Supervisory Board’s report for the
2023 financial year
2. Resolution on the appropriation of net retained profits
3. Resolution formally approving the actions of the members of the
Management Board for the 2023 financial year
4. Resolution formally approving the actions of the members of the
Supervisory Board for the 2023 financial year
5. Appointment of the auditor of the financial statements and
consolidated financial statements as well as the auditor of the
sustainability report for the financial year 2024
6. Resolution on the remuneration report
7. Resolution on the remuneration policy
8. Resolution on the amendments to the Articles of Association in
Article 2 “Company purpose”, Article 3 “Publications”, Article 6
“Management and representation; Reports to the Supervisory Board”,
Article 7 “Election of Supervisory Board members”, Article 8
“Chair”, Article 9 “Quorum, pro- ceedings”, Article 10
“Supervisory Board remuneration and other benefits” and Article 14
II. Documents for the Annual General Meeting; provision of information on
the website
In accordance with Section 108 (3) and (4) AktG, the following documents,
in particular, will be available on the website of the Company entered in
the register of companies – [1] www.viennaairport.com – as of no later
than 15 May 2024:
• Annual financial report 2023, containing:
• Annual financial statements, including the management report and
the non-financial statement,
• Consolidated financial statements, including the group management
• Consolidated corporate governance report 2023,
• Report of the Supervisory Board 2023,
• Proposal for the appropriation of profit,
• Resolutions proposed by the Supervisory Board and the Management
• Remuneration report 2023,
• Remuneration policy 2024,
• Form for issuing a proxy,
• Form for issuing a proxy and instructions to a representative from the
interest group for investors (IVA),
• Form for revoking a proxy,
• the full text of this notice convening the meeting.
III. Record date and requirements for participation in the Annual General
Eligibility to participate in the Annual General Meeting and to exercise
voting rights and the other shareholder rights to be asserted in the
context of the Annual General Meeting shall be based on shareholdings at
the end of 26 May 2024 (24:00, Vienna time) (record date).
Only shareholders who can provide evidence of their shareholdings to the
Company on this record date shall be eligible to participate in the Annual
General Meeting.
In accordance with Section 10a AktG, evidence of shareholdings on the
record date must be submit- ted in the form of a deposit certificate,
which the Company must receive by no later than 31 May 2024 (24:00,
Vienna time) via one of the following communication channels and addresses
i. for sending the deposit certificate in written or electronic form,
which is sufficient pursuant to Article 12(2) of the Articles of
By e-mail: anmeldung.flughafenwien@hauptversammlung.at (Please provide
deposit certificate in PDF format)
By fax: +43 (0)1 8900 500 – 50
ii. for sending the deposit certificate in written form
Per post oder courier: Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft, c/o
HV-Veranstaltungsservice GmbH, 8242 St. Lorenzen am Wechsel, Köppel
60, Austria
Per SWIFT: GIBAATWGGMS (Message Type MT598 oder MT599, it is essetnial
to include ISIN AT00000VIE62 in the text)
We request that shareholders contact their custodian bank to arrange for
the deposit certificate to be issued and sent.
The record date does not affect the saleability of the shares and is not
relevant with respect to dividend entitlements.
Deposit confirmation pursuant to Section 10a AktG
The deposit certificate must be issued by a custodian bank that has its
registered office in a member state of the European Economic Area or in a
full member state of the OECD and must contain the following information
(Section 10a (2) AktG):
• Information regarding the issuer: name/company name and address or a
standard code used for transactions between banks (SWIFT code),
• Information regarding the shareholder: name/company name, address,
date of birth for natural persons or register and registration number
for legal persons, as appropriate,
• Information regarding the shares: number of shares held by the
shareholder, ISIN AT00000VIE62 (standard international securities
identification number),
• Custody account number, securities account number or another
• Date or period to which the deposit certificate relates.
The deposit certificate as evidence of the shareholding for the purposes
of participation in the Annual General Meeting must relate to the end of
the record date of 26 May 2024 (24:00, Vienna time).
The deposit certificate will be accepted in German or English.
Proof of identity
Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft reserves the right to verify the
identity of the persons attending the meeting. If it is not possible to
verify a person’s identity, they may be refused admission.
We therefore request that shareholders and their proxies be ready to
present valid official photo identification when registering.
If you are attending the Annual General Meeting as a proxy, please bring
your proxy authorisation in addition to your official photo
identification. If the original of the proxy authorisation has already
been sent to the Company, please present a copy of the proxy authorisation
to facilitate entry.
IV. Possibility of appointing a representative and the procedure to be
Each shareholder eligible to participate in the Annual General Meeting who
has provided evidence of this to the Company in accordance with the
stipulations of item III of this notice convening the meeting has the
right to appoint a representative to participate in the Annual General
Meeting on behalf of the shareholder with the same rights as the
shareholder they are representing.
The proxy authorisation must be issued to a specific (natural or legal)
person in text form (Section 13 (2) AktG), although it is also possible to
issue proxies to more than one person.
It is possible to issue a proxy before as well as during the Annual
General Meeting.
Please send proxy authorisations via the following communication channels
and addresses:
By post or courier: Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft, c/o
HV-Veranstaltungsservice GmbH, 8242 St. Lorenzen am Wechsel, Köppel 60,
By e-mail: anmeldung.flughafenwien@hauptversammlung.at (Please provide
proxy authorisation in PDF format)
By fax +43 (0)1 8900 500 – 50
Per SWIFT: GIBAATWGGMS (Message Type MT598 oder MT 599, it is essential to
include ISIN AT00000VIE62 in the text)
On the day of the Annual General Meeting only:
In person: upon registration for the Annual General Meeting at the meeting
Proxy authorisations must be received by no later than 16:00 on 4 June
2024 at one of the above addresses unless handed in at the registration
point for the Annual General Meeting on the day of the Annual General
A proxy form and a form for revoking a proxy will be available on the
Company’s website at [2] www.viennaairport.com as of no later than 15 May
2024. Use of one of the forms is not com-pulsory within the meaning of
Section 114 (3) AktG. However, we request that you always use the forms
provided in order to facilitate smooth processing.
Details regarding the proxy, particularly regarding text form and the
content of the proxy authorisation, can be found on the proxy form
provided to shareholders.
If a shareholder has issued a proxy to their custodian bank (Section 10a
AktG), it is sufficient for the custodian bank to issue a declaration that
it has been appointed proxy and send it to the Company together with the
deposit certificate in the prescribed manner.
Shareholders can exercise their rights in person at the Annual General
Meeting even after issuing a proxy. Attendance in person shall be deemed
to revoke any proxy issued previously.
The above provisions on issuing a proxy shall apply analogously to
revoking a proxy.
Independent proxy
As a special service for shareholders, a representative from the interest
group for investors (IVA), Feldmühlgasse 22, 1130 Vienna, will be
available as an independent proxy to exercise voting rights at the Annual
General Meeting in accordance with instructions; a special proxy form will
be provided for this on the Company’s website at [3] www.viennaairport.com
as of no later than 15 May 2024. It is also possible to contact Dr
Michael Knap from the IVA directly by telephone at +43 1 876 3343-30 or
by e-mail at [4]knap.flughafenwien@hauptversammlung.at.
V. Information on shareholders’ rights in accordance with Sections 109,
110, 118
and 119 AktG
1. Additions to the agenda by shareholders pursuant to Section 109 AktG
Shareholders whose shares constitute, separately or together, 5% of the
share capital and who have held such shares for at least three months
prior to submitting the application can make a written request for further
items to be added to the agenda of this Annual General Meeting and
announced if such request is received by the Company in writing by post or
courier by no later than 15 May 2024 (24:00, Vienna time) and addressed
exclusively to Dr Wolfgang Köberl, MBA, Secretary General, 1300
Wien-Flughafen, Austria or, if sent by e-mail, with a qualified
electronic signature to the e-mail address
[5]fwag-hauptversammlung@viennaairport.com or via SWIFT to the address
GIBAATWGGMS. “In writing” means the handwritten signature or company
signature of each applicant or, if sent by e-mail, with a qualified
electronic signature or, if sent via SWIFT, with message type MT598 or
type MT599, in which case it is essential to include ISIN AT00000VIE62 in
the text.
Each agenda item requested in this way must be accompanied by a proposed
resolution, including a statement of reasons. The agenda item and proposed
resolution, but not the related statement of reasons, must also be
submitted in German in all cases. Evidence of shareholder status must be
submitted in the form of a deposit certificate pursuant to Section 10a
AktG which confirms that the shareholders making the application have held
the shares for at least three months prior to making the application and
which may not be more than seven days old at the time of submission to the
Company. Several deposit certificates for shares that constitute only an
equity holding of 5% together must relate to the same time (date, time).
Please refer to the information on eligibility to participate for the
other requirements relating to deposit certificates (item III of this
notice convening the meeting).
2. Proposed resolutions from shareholders on the agenda pursuant to
Section 110 AktG
Shareholders whose shares constitute, separately or together, 1% of the
share capital can send proposed resolutions, including statements of
reasons, in text form for any item on the agenda and request that such
proposals, together with the names of the shareholders concerned, the
attached statements of reasons and any opinions of the Management Board or
the Supervisory Board, be made available on the website of the Company
entered in the register of companies if such request is received by the
Company in text form by no later than 24 May 2024 (24:00, Vienna
time) and addressed either to Dr Wolfgang Köberl, MBA, Secretary
General, 1300 Wien-Flughafen, Austria or sent by e-mail to
[6]fwag-hauptversammlung@viennaairport.com with the request attached to
the e-mail in text form, for example as a PDF document. Where declarations
are required to be submitted in text form as defined by Section 13 (2)
AktG, they must be submitted in a document or in another form that enables
permanent reproduction in written characters, names the person making the
declaration and marks the end of the declaration by showing a facsimile of
the signature or by other means. The proposed resolution, but not the
related statement of reasons, must also be submitted in German in all
Evidence of shareholder status must be submitted in the form of a deposit
certificate pursuant to Section 10a AktG which may not be more than seven
days old at the time of submission to the Company. Several deposit
certificates for shares that constitute only an equity holding of 1%
together must relate to the same time (date, time).
Please refer to the information on eligibility to participate for the
other requirements relating to deposit certificates (item III of this
notice convening the meeting).
3. Shareholders’ right to information in accordance with Section 118 AktG
During the Annual General Meeting, any shareholder may request information
on the affairs of the Company to the extent that such information is
required in order to make a proper assessment of the agenda item. The duty
to provide information also extends to the Company’s legal relationships
with affiliates as well as to the position of the Group and the companies
included in the consolidated financial statements.
Information may be denied to the extent that, according to reasonable
business judgement, it is likely to cause significant harm to the Company
or an affiliate, or its disclosure would constitute a criminal offence.
In accordance with Article 14 of the Articles of Association, the Chair of
the Annual General Meeting may impose a reasonable time limit on the
shareholders’ right to ask questions and speak. The Chair can,
particularly at the start of, but also during, the Annual General Meeting,
impose general and individual limits on the time allocated to asking
questions and speaking.
Requests for information are generally to be made orally at the Annual
General Meeting, but can also be made in writing.
To ensure the meeting runs efficiently, questions requiring a longer
preparation time may be sent to the Management Board in written or
electronic form in good time prior to the Annual Gene- ral Meeting.
Questions can be sent to the company by e-mail at
4. Motions by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting pursuant to
Section 119 AktG
Any shareholder – regardless of the number of shares they hold – is
entitled to file motions on any item on the agenda at the Annual General
Meeting. The requirement for this is evidence of eligibility to
participate as defined by the notice convening the meeting.
If more than one motion has been made on one agenda item, the Chair shall
determine the order of voting in accordance with Section 119 (3) AktG.
5. Information on data protection for shareholders
Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft takes data protection very seriously.
You can find further information in our data protection policy at
[7] www.viennaairport.com/dataprotection.
VI. Further information and notes
Total number of shares and voting rights
At the time of convening the Annual General Meeting, the Company’s share
capital amounts to
€ 152,670,000 and is divided into 84,000,000 bearer shares. Each share
carries one vote.
The company holds 125,319 own shares. These shares do not carry voting
rights or any other rights. Any change in the number of own shares held
prior to the Annual General Meeting and thus to the total number of voting
rights shall be announced at the Annual General Meeting.
There is not more than one class of share.
Schwechat, May 2024 The Management Board
07.05.2024 CET/CEST
Language: English
Company: Flughafen Wien AG
Postfach 1
1300 Wien-Flughafen
Phone: +43-1-7007/23126
Fax: +43-1-7007/23806
E-mail: investor-relations@viennaairport.com
Internet: http://www.viennaairport.com
ISIN: AT00000VIE62
Listed: Regulated Unofficial Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt
(Basic Board), Munich, Stuttgart, Tradegate Exchange; London,
Nasdaq OTC, Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Market)
End of News EQS News Service
1896453 07.05.2024 CET/CEST
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4. knap.flughafenwien@hauptversammlung.at
5. fwag-hauptversammlung@viennaairport.com
6. fwag-hauptversammlung@viennaairport.com
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