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RESTORE 1st Advanced Therapies Science Meeting

Berlin (ots/PRNewswire) - RESTORE-Health by Advanced Therapies invites you to join the First Advanced Therapies Science Meeting (ATSM), an EACCME® accredited event, which will be held at the Maritim Hotel, Stauffenbergstraße in Berlin from the 25th - 26th November 2019. 25th-26th November 2019, Berlin Advanced Therapies are one of the most recent and significant advances in medicine. They include gene and cell therapies and tissue-engineering approaches to not only treat disease symptoms, but to potentially provide a

Erste elektrische Blumenlieferung in den Hafen Wien

Am Montag, den 30.9.2019, wurde im Hafen Wien der erste durchgehend elektrische Intermodaltransport aus den Niederlanden nach Wien empfangen. Wien (OTS/RK) - Am Montag, den 30.9.2019, wurde die erste durchgehend elektrisch organisierte temperaturgeführte Lieferung von Blumen nahe Venlo in den Niederlanden im Hafen Wien, einem Unternehmen der Wien Holding, in Empfang genommen. Die Initiatoren sind die Partner des Internationalen Wirtschaftsprogramms „Erfolgsformeln verbinden -nachhaltige Mobilität und

EIT Digital: Enhancing the Global Impact of European Innovation

Brussels (ots/PRNewswire) - The EIT Digital Strategic Innovation Agenda 2020-2022 EIT Digital presented its Strategic Innovation Agenda for the period 2020-2022, outlining plans to strengthen Europe's position in the digital world and to help business and entrepreneurs to be at the forefront of digital innovation. The document was officially handed over to European Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip and MEP Eva Kaili. (Logo: ) "We have identified five

Europa Forum Lech 2018: Europe needs focus on added value and a budget fit to deliver

The future of the European Union of 27 and the next long-term EU budget were at the centre of the two-day event, organised by the Municipality of Lech from 12 to 13 April 2018. Wien (OTS) - More than 100 high-level politicians, representatives of international institution, academia and industry shared the view that Europe should stand strong, be more competitive at the global scene, keep fostering economic growth and job creation and take greater responsibilities for the safety and security of its